
An event I’d like to see: Lightning Talk Mashup: Biotech & AI

This event would be a part of a series of experiments towards inducing scenius.

There’s a large “adjacent possible” at the intersection of biotech and AI, and far too few people with expertise in both that can fully comprehend the space of possibilities.

But we at the Neighborhood have a large community of experts in both of these spaces!

So let’s try a Lightning Talks Mashup. 15-20 speakers giving 2-8 minute talks, with half of the speakers talking about biotech and the other half talking about AI. Talks should be (more of less) accessible to the broader audience.

Content-wise, they should focus on areas that would stimulate exciting ideas at the intersection of these two spaces: perhaps recently unlocked capabilities, predictions about the near future, or amazing new technologies or ideas.

Do you know someone that would give a fantastic 2-8 minute talk? Email me!
Talk title
Between 2-8 minutes?


Danielle Forward is one of millions of people with a (in her case, minor) autoimmune disease. Unfortunately, it seems that little progress is being made on FDA approval for therapeutics. She’s open to a quick talk about the problem space and some possible solutions, such as a social media platform for discussing experiments, or an AI platform that clustered people with similar diseases, physical characteristics, or genetic markers.

Don’t worry, everyone mentioned in this doc was asked first, just like all of my docs.