

What I've learned about executing on your goals, compressed into one page.


  1. Verbally stated goals
  2. Social accountability
  3. Sleep, exercise
  4. Context switching costs
  5. Self-efficacy
  6. Goal factoring
  7. Energy-based planning
  8. Maximizing vs satisficing
  9. Sit on ideas until the excitement dies down
  10. Bias to action
  11. Zero distractions

Lesser beliefs

  1. Visualization
  2. Habit momentum
  3. Passive metrics
  4. Vision > goals
  5. Ballmer's peak for stress
  6. Practice makes permanent
  7. The power of habits
  8. Reflection (success & failure)


  1. Productivity system NRE (New Relationship Energy)
  2. Good decisionmaking is about judgment (vs expanding options)
  3. Willpower
  4. Announcing goals (is dangerously satisfying)


  1. Depth rituals
  2. HIIT working with friends
  1. 10m brainstorming how to brainstorm
  2. 80/20s at every level
  3. Single tasking
  4. Deep work blocks based on your body's rhythm
  5. Atomic flashcards
  6. Quarterly personal offsite
  7. Working offline

Lesser techniques

  1. Deep work tracking (RescueTime)
  2. MIT in mornings
  3. Say no to everything not aligned with goals
  4. Batch tasks (email)
  5. Metrics visible to coworkers
  6. Weekly review
  7. Weekly ritual: rederive the why
  8. Ankify mistakes
  9. Caffeine + L-theanine
  10. Mnemonics
  11. "What would a genius do?"
  12. "What would the most determined, courageous version of me do?"
  13. "What would a 70% optimistic version of me do?"
  14. Habit chains
  15. Celebrating goals